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Newsletter Archives
Summer/Fall 2024 Contributors
Cherryland Cares - $1,000
Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - $500
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church - $500
Suttons Bay Congregational Church - $1,500
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church - $700
Numerous Individual Donors who generously contribute to our program

August, 2023
Remain in Touch celebrates its launch in the Antrim County Jail. This is our third successful launch and we are excited to expand our reach to inmates at a new location in Northern Michigan.
April, 2022
The Leelanau Enterprise published this article featuring found Connie Eisenhart and Remain in Touch.
Winter, 2022
Remain in Touch is in grateful receipt of $1,800 from St. Andrews Presbyterian Church,
Peace and Justice Committee. Thank you so much!
And sincere gratitude to these over-the-top contributors: Benzie County Community Chest ($1,000); Suttons Bay Congregational Church ($1,000); Traverse Bay Sunrise Rotary Club ($500); Green Brick Foundation Inc ($500); Blackbaud Giving Fund ($250); and Keswick United Methodist Church ($175 special offering)

December, 2021
Northwestern Michigan College student, Will Lewellen,
featured Remain in Touch in a mini-documentary assignment
for his journalism class. While emphasizing that it is a
student work, he graciously agreed to share it.
July/August, 2021
Thank you Presbyterian Church of Traverse City for choosing Remain in Touch and three other non-profit organizations to be recipients of donations collected at its Jazz, Jokes and Jesus series this summer. The popular series spanned 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings and featured music by The Back Room Gang. Each of the four charities - including Remain in Touch - received $12,500!
July, 2021
Hooray! Remain in Touch is thrilled to be back in the Benzie County Jail after months of waiting while pandemic restrictions were in place. All of our volunteer facilitators are fully vaccinated and feel safe in resuming their service. We expect to resume our program in the Leelanau County Jail in October 2021.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic curtailed the activities of Remain in Touch in the Leelanau and Benzie County Jails in March of this year. For the safety of the inmates, their families, jail staff and program providers, all programs in the jails were temporarily suspended. Remain in Touch will resume its activities in the jails as soon as we safely can do so. We continue to assess the situation in ongoing communication with the jail administrators.
March, 2020
Remain in Touch was a nominee among the top 10 “Favorite Non-Profits” for the
Red Hot Best award in Leelanau County for 2020. Thanks to all of you who voted
for us on social media!
February, 2020
Remain in Touch received a Bookstock grant of $1,000, which is being used to stock the book cart for our age 13 to 18 teen program ready to launch at the Benzie County Jail.
Benzie County Community Chest grants Remain in Touch $1000 in recognition and ongoing support of our "outstanding work" at the Benzie County Jail. Thank you so much!
January, 2020
Remain in Touch launched a pilot program at the Leelanau County Jail to help teen children, ages 13 to 18, remain connected with their incarcerated parents. Our program for children ages 0 to 12 remains unchanged and is well-received as ever.
The Literacy Legacy Fund of Michigan awarded Remain in Touch a $500 JumpStart Financial Incentive Grant for book funding. The Literacy Legacy Fund of Michigan supports the improvement of a literate Michigan citizenry of all ages through the distribution of charitable funds to enhance literacy-related efforts. Thank you LLF!
November, 2019
Northern Latitudes Distillery in Lake Leelanau graciously hosted a fun "Cocktails for a Cause" event to benefit Remain in Touch. Thank you to all who attended and supported our program.
September, 2019
Remain in Touch is featured in this article in the Benzie County Record Patriot, highlighting volunteer programs that help those who are incarcerated.
March, 2019
Remain in Touch is among 12 Northern Michigan nonprofits chosen to participate this year in Pour for More, a crowd funded donation effort sponsored by locally crafted breweries, taprooms, wineries and coffee shops. We were the featured nonprofit for the month of March, and held two events: one at Rare Bird Brewpub on March 4th, and again at The Workshop Brewing Company on March 14th featuring neXus Band. We extend special appreciation to neXus Band and everyone who attended our events.
January, 2019
Suttons Bay Congregational Church hosted a Lunch & Learn presentation titled Becoming Remain in Touch.
October, 2018
Keswick United Methodist Church selects Remain in Touch as its Monthly Mission for October.
September, 2018
Read about our program in this feature article in the Traverse City Record Eagle. What a nice bonus to learn that The Detroit News picked up the article and published our story as well, broadening our reach in the region and beyond.
August, 2018
Remain in Touch is featured in Families First. Read the "Charity Spotlight" article by our founder, Connie Eisenhart, here.
June, 2018
Cherryland Electric Cooperative grants $1000 to Remain in Touch through its Cherryland Cares program!
May, 2018
On May 19th, Storm Cloud Brewing Company generously granted 50% of its proceeds between 4 and 6 pm to Remain in Touch! That was a benefit of $1,123! Wow!
March, 2018
This article in the Benzie County Record Patriot features
Remain in Touch founder Connie Eisenhart receiving the grant
from Benzie County Community Chest.
January, 2018
Remain in Touch receives $1000 from Benzie County Community Chest
to support program delivery at the Benzie County Jail.
October, 2017
Suttons Bay-Leelanau Rotary Club grants $500 to Remain in Touch.
Remain in Touch is featured on UpNorthLive 7&4 News: "Reading program helps inmates connect with their children while behind bars"
September, 2017
Benzie County Cares for Kids extends its support with
another generous grant of $1,000!
Precision Plumbing & Heating of Traverse City awards
Remain in Touch $1000 through its Precision Cares
program! Thanks to all of our supporters
who nominated us for this award!
August, 2017
Remain in Touch provides information booths at the Suttons Bay Art Festival and the Frankfort Art Fair.
July, 2017
The Betsie Current features a news article about Remain in Touch, which now serves inmates at the Benzie County Jail.
June, 2017
Remain in Touch is featured in a news article on June 6th in The Benzie County Record Patriot.
April, 2017
The April 29th Silent Movie event raised $800 for Remain in Touch. Thank you to piano accompanist Lynne Long, Suttons Bay Congregational Church, and all who supported this special fundraising event.
Remain in Touch officially launched services at the Benzie County Jail on April 4th.
March, 2017
Remain in Touch gratefully receives local support of $500 from Meijer!
Thanks to expanded enthusiasm and support, Remain in Touch is now serving inmates at the Benzie County Jail, while continuing to provide services in Leelanau County.
February, 2017
Benzie County Cares for Kids (the local Child Abuse Prevention Council of the Michigan Children's Trust Fund) helps to launch Remain in Touch services in Benzie County with a generous grant of $1,000!
Grand Traverse Dyslexia Association raises $130 to benefit Remain in Touch. Thank you!
January, 2017
Remain in Touch receives $750 from the Endowment for Leelanau, a fund of the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation.
The Leelanau Enterprise conducts a follow-up interview with Remain in Touch founder Connie Eisenhart
December, 2016
The Leelanau Township Community Foundation awards a grant of $500 for the purchase of books for the Remain in Touch program
Remain in Touch receives $300 from mAIDens of Michigan to support women affected by incarceration
Remain in Touch receives matching gift of $100 from the Rotary Endowment, a partnership between the Grand Traverse Community Foundation and Rotary Charities.
November 23, 2016
Remain in Touch featured on 9 & 10 News: A Parent's Love: From Behind Bars
October 13, 2016
Remain in Touch joins other area nonprofits for the Fuse North Nonprofit Expo at the Hagerty Center in Traverse City
October 6, 2016
Program founder Connie Eisenhart introduces Remain in Touch in this feature article in The Leelanau Enterprise